Gravitational Attraction
We know what Gravity is made of.. even if scientists are still figuring it out
Our Mission & Principles
Our mission at Gravity Commerce is to empower small businesses with the data-driven, scientifically acquired insights that drive growth and success. We simplify the complexities of digital analytics and SEO, making it accessible and actionable for our clients, so they can confidently make informed decisions that improve reach, rankings and ROI.
We believe in doing the right thing even when no one’s looking. We take relationships with our clients seriously in an honest manner, holding full accountability for each project we undertake.
We are fully transparent in our pricing, strategies, processes and methodologies. We ensure that our clients remain informed. We rather communicate a bit too much than too little.
We’re always learning so that our work is experienced, well-informed, and making use of the latest knowledge and methods known to contribute towards success.
Success starts with excellent communication and collaboration; it’s essential to our core business. By collaborating directly with our clients and key stakeholders, we ensure that we identify holistic project KPIs, and deliver on our projects as outlined.
We hold ourselves to the highest standards of ethical responsibility. Whether that’s project details, data privacy, or personal conduct – we put trust at the core of our work.
We approach each aspect of our projects with a scientific methodology, relying on data and evidence to drive measurable results; therefore, our recommendations, strategies, and implementations are based on experience, research, data, and analysis.